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Ex Libris: Revised Edition (edycja angielska)

Nowa edycja gry Ex Libris


189.90 PLN
dostępność: dostępna
wysyłamy w: 24 godziny

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Podstawowe informacje:

liczba graczy: od 1 do 4
wiek: od 14 lat
czas gry: od 45 do 45 min.

wydawca: Renegade Game Studios (2023)
nr katalogowy: RGS0577
projektant: Adam P. McIver

wersja językowa: angielska
instrukcja: angielska

Opis w serwisie BGG


In Ex Libris, you are a collector of rare and valuable books in a thriving fantasy town. The Mayor has just announced a new seat in the Village Council, Grand Librarian. The prestigious and lucrative position will be awarded to the citizen with the most extraordinary library! Unfortunately, several of your book collector colleagues (more like acquaintances, really) are also candidates.

To outshine your competition, you’ll need to expand your personal library by sending your trusty assistants out into the village to find the most impressive tomes. Sources for the finest books are scarce, so you’ll need to beat your opponents to them when they pop up - especially if they match your library’s secret focus!

You only have a few days before the Mayor’s Official Inspector comes to judge your library, so be sure your assistants have all your books shelved in time! She is a tough cookie and will use her Official Inspection Form to grade your library on several criteria including alphabetical order, shelf stability, prominent works, and variety. And don’t think she’ll turn a blind eye to books the Council has banned! You’ll need shrewd planning, cunning tactics, and perhaps a little magic to surpass your opponents and become Grand Librarian!

How this edition is different from the original Ex Libris:

Different Box Size (smaller square).
Lower price point to make the game more accessible.
Assistants are now screen printed.
Streamlined gameplay.
Update graphic design on Location Tiles to improve legibility.
Updated meeples, first player marker, cards, boards, and box.
Folding Town Board is removed, replaced by Scoring Reference Tiles.

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